Sunday 16 September 2012

Foot Care Tips

Let’s face it: most people take their feet for granted until they begin to ache or until there is a problem that causes a reduction in the quality or level of activity of the sufferer. Contrary to popular belief, foot care tips are not limited to getting a pedicure or massage; there are several things that both men and women can do to maintain the health of their feet!

Foot care tips for proper foot health:

Keep feet clean and dry. Wash daily and apply cream to dry or cracked heels.

Nails should be trimmed regularly and not cut too short, otherwise in-grown toenails or infection can occur.

A pumice stone can be used to soften rough patches of skin on the feet but corns and calluses should not be ‘shaved’ or ‘trimmed’.

Wear clean socks every day, and be sure that they are not constrictive; blood flow is crucial to foot care. It’s also important that socks absorb sweat and allow your feet to breathe properly.

Treat your feet to well-fitting shoes. Make sure there is adequate support and cushioning, and that the toe box is large enough that the feet are not painfully crammed or squeezed out of position. If you wear tight shoes then you have a chance in developing bunions.

Give high heels a rest. On weekends or days off foot care should include flat, well cushioned shoes that support and protect the feet.

Quickly examine your shoes for pebbles or other obstructions before wearing as this type of irritation can cause abrasions or deviations in gait patterns.

Aside from daily care, there are times when achy feet need a little bit of TLC, and there are several foot care tips that will work with any budget:

Soak feet in hot water for 20 minutes then give them a thorough rub-down with cream. This will relax the muscles and tendons in the feet, especially if the calf muscles are included in the treatment.

Add Epsom salts to the water, as this can reduce foot pain and increase healing.

Try this home remedy for increased foot care: make a pot of rich, dark tea and add it to cool water to make a soothing foot soak that reduces discomfort and eliminates foot odour.

Elevate feet after a long day to reduce swelling and achiness. Be sure to place a cushion under your legs for extra comfort and to prevent circulation from being impaired.

Use orthotic devices in your shoes for extra support or cushioning. The fit and quality of footwear is an essential factor in proper foot care, and foot orthoses can go a long way to improving the health of your feet.

Stretch regularly. Having flexible calf muscles and supple tendons in the feet will go a long way to reducing discomfort and maintaining foot health. It is also a factor in foot care that if often overlooked by even the most conscientious person!

Wear shoes in public places such as the gym or pool; this will help prevent infections such as athlete’s foot from developing.

There are a multitude of steps that can be taken to safeguard the health of your feet, but these are easy and affordable foot care tips that everyone can try regardless of their time or budget. 

Suzy Pickhall, who has got been a foot care expert for more many years has written a functional guide on how to combat Pain in Feet , and Best Insoles for Foot Pain.